The cloud is changing everything. Ergo was quick to embrace the paradigm shift in the way IT is consumed and delivered because it offers new ways to address challenges faced by our clients. As their trusted cloud partner, we help them navigate the different options available.
Fundamentally, it’s another wave of Managed Services that further relieves organisations of the burden of managing and maintaining IT environments. But this time it’s on a bigger scale, more flexible and scalable, turning IT into a utility service where you only pay for what you use.
Ergo are at the heart of cloud projects for some of Irelands largest organisations, projects include:
- a business critical cloud based passenger information application for AerLingus
- a Microsoft Office collaboration in the cloud project for GOAL’s 1,500 globally dispersed charity workers
- Ergo developed and cloud hosted applications for local County Councils
We provide the full range of cloud services. Working with Microsoft we offer Software as a-Service (SaaS) solutions such as Office 365, a suite of hosted applications that require no installation, upgrades or management by the end user organisation. We have also developed cloud-based applications using Microsoft’s Platform as a Service (PaaS) environment, Windows Azure.
Ergo’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings turn hardware into an operational rather than capital cost, with racks of rented computer power and storage delivering all your IT needs from the cloud. We offer a range of standalone services around storage, virtual desktops and systems monitoring as well as a cloud-based disaster recovery solutions.
Your first point of contact will be our Cloud Strategy Consulting experts who advise on the best strategy for your business, whether it’s public, private or hybrid.